Counseling Center of the Rockies
Counseling Center of the Rockies

North Location

South Location

3489 W. 72nd Ave, Ste. 105

4195 S. Broadway

Westminster, CO 80030

Englewood, CO 80113

Phone: 720-508-4876

Phone: 303-806-0933

Fax: 720-612-4239

Fax: 303-806-0935


Westminster email:   Englewood email:

Home    Services   Interlock Enhancement   Staff

Grievance/Feedback Form     Please click here to complete our digital intake packet.

Click here for a list of our current group days and times. 


To pay online for treatment, please click this link: Counseling Center of the Rockies online payments by Square.


Click here to access our Client Portal. You must have requested access from our staff in order to set up a username and password.

Level II Four Plus DUI Treatment offered at both locations            Medicaid accepted for most treatment options

Counseling Center of the Rockies offers several different types of substance abuse counseling in a caring and friendly environment. Our mission is to provide the opportunity for each client to achieve growth and change which will have a positive effect throughout their lifetime. We are licensed by the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration in the following areas: Education and Treatment Services for Persons Involved in the Criminal Justice System, General Treatment, Level II Education, Level II Therapy,Level II Enhanced Therapy, and Level II Four Plus. Counseling Center of the Rockies is a Colorado Department of Corrections Approved Treatment Provider offering services to those on Parole. We also offer individual, couples and family counseling for those with substance abuse concerns. We are able to accept vouchers from all Judicial Districts in Colorado.

Please click here to request a digital intake packet.